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Co-Managed IT Services In Los Angeles

Co-managed IT Services in Los Angeles

GenerationIX Helps Internal IT Departments With Co-Managed IT Services Across Los Angeles

Does your IT staff get overwhelmed when big IT projects come along? Or do they have trouble keeping up with the daily support requests? In either case, it sounds like they could use some help.

Does your IT staff quickly fall behind when they have to complete a project? What about daily support tickets – is there a delay in getting the resolved? You could hire additional employees, but if things slow down, then you’ll have too many professionals on staff.

Or perhaps you run a small business, have an IT guy come in from time to time, and you don’t want to hire a full-time professional. No matter the case, if you need extra help, you need to find it somewhere.

What’s the solution? Many businesses are turning to co-managed IT services.

Co-managed IT Services in Los Angeles

What Is Co-Managed IT?

Co-managed IT services allow businesses and their IT teams to take advantage of the expertise and skill of a team of IT specialists when needed, and without paying expensive salaries or benefits. It’s an affordable solution that allows you to expand your current IT resources and make sure you always have the tech support you need.

An internal person or team can only offer so much in terms of availability, time, and skillsets. You might have the most talented person or people and they will still be limited in what they can do.

You can use co-managed IT services on an as-needed basis. You’ll have the people and IT support you need when technology problems crop up that no one else can resolve or handle. And, you’ll benefit from IT professionals with years of industry experience.

What Are The Benefits Of Co-Managed IT?

  • Your Staff Can Focus On What’s Important: If your staff is having difficulty keeping up with their workload, your co-managed team can supplement their efforts. Now, your employees can focus on higher-level duties while the co-managed IT professionals fill in the gaps. This not only provides the time they need to manage what’s on their plates but can prevent errors due to technicians being overworked.
  • You Can Scale With Ease: As your organization grows and evolves, you may need to scale up your efforts. Rather than hiring more technicians, you can use co-managed IT on a month-to-month basis. If you find you no longer need as much assistance, you can quickly scale back. You’re never locked in. Co-managed IT services are easy to scale up or down.
  • You Can Stay Secure: When you use co-managed IT services, you can take advantage of other options like Security Awareness training for your staff. Your employees must be aware and trained to spot phishing scams to avoid malware and ransomware viruses. The IT team can also visit regularly and conduct vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, so you’ll always have the highest level of IT security.
  • You Can Budget Accurately: Co-managed IT services provide the help you need at budget-friendly prices. With proactive services that keep your IT assets running smoothly, you’ll know that you’re getting the most out of every technology dollar. Co-managed IT professionals can handle things like scheduled maintenance, remote monitoring, help desk services, and account management, all for one predictable monthly fee.

Co-Managed IT From Generation IX

No matter whether your IT team is overworked or in over their heads, the solution is simple – get the extra help you need from a local IT company like Generation IX.

Our team will:

  • Augment your current IT team with the exact amount and type of support they need.
  • Improve your team’s knowledge base and skills.
  • Increase your cybersecurity and ensure you benefit from greater IT efficiency, flexibility and reliability.
  • Provide hybrid cloud and virtualization services that free up server space and speed up application deployment.
  • Fill the void that’s keeping you from taking your business to the next level.

Via co-managed IT services, our team of experienced technology professionals will work with your existing IT staff to help pick up the slack.

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GenIX provides…

  • A detailed analysis of your current IT company and the work they are doing for you
  • An action plan to address operational any or all issues
  • A detailed budget and project plan

Get the clarity your organization needs to get your IT back on track. Completely risk-free, with no-obligation.
