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Why Outsourcing Your LA Businesses IT Department Is A Rock Solid Idea

Outsourcing Your LA Businesses IT Department

Outsourcing Your LA Businesses IT Department

IT infrastructure plays a crucial role in the smooth running of businesses in today’s dynamic environment. Even so, not every business has access to the same level of IT resources. Whether due to a smaller IT budget or unavailability of capital to invest, some businesses lose out when it comes to maintaining an in-house IT team.

Fortunately, outsourcing can fill the gaps in IT – it enables businesses, regardless of their scope, to incorporate experts and services into their IT infrastructure. As such, businesses can stay on the cutting edge of modern technology while also keeping their data safe. In this post, we’ll walk you through the reasons why it’s an excellent idea for your LA business to outsource its IT department.

Outsourcing Your LA Businesses IT Department

Benefits of Outsourcing Your IT Department

Here is an outline of some of the benefits when you outsource your IT department to Generation IX:

1. Talent Shortage Solution

The tech talent shortage is real. Today, it’s almost impossible to find a competent level 1 or level 2 technician for most organizations. And if an organization does find a capable resource, it then has to spend time to train the employee. But what happens when the employee departs after a few months? All the time you spent training the employee goes out the window.

Outsourcing has become a Swiss Army Knife solution for businesses looking to resolve the talent shortage problem. It enables organizations to delegate entire projects, fill skills gaps, and create nearshore support teams. When you outsource your helpdesk or any other managed IT service, you won’t have to worry even if an employee leaves.

2. Access Broader Skillset

Just like with talent shortage, outsourcing gives companies access to a broader skillset. Most businesses, especially SMBs, don’t need full-time infrastructure, a full-time cybersecurity analyst, or a networking engineer.

When you outsource your IT department, you’ll have access to experienced IT professionals whenever you need them. Given that managed service providers (MSPs) work with multiple clients, their personnel have experience fixing more unique IT issues. Suppose your network patch panel has issues; for instance, an outsourced IT department can send you a network specialist to sort out the issue.

Having access to a broader skillset also means that you’ll get more extensive care. In the event that multiple tech issues arise, the team can pool their knowledge and find the best solution quickly.

3. Cost Savings

Most businesses that outsource their IT departments find that they save more money than when keeping the IT department in-house. Typically, most organizations need 3-4 different types of IT resources, including help desk, infrastructure, CTO (chief technology officer), and networking engineers.

Hiring all these resources can be costly. Besides the salaries, you’ll have to pay for training, vacation, retirement benefits, insurance, and other benefits. When you outsource, rather than hiring 3 to 4 different roles or skillsets, you’ll simply pick the services your business needs and pay a monthly fee. In short, managed IT providers will be much cheaper and provide a better bang for the buck.

4. Free Up Internal Resources

Most medium to large-sized business teams have IT experts in-house. That doesn’t mean that they can’t outsource IT services. Outsourcing augments your team’s expertise while freeing up time for the in-house team to focus on the most vital IT components of your business.

For instance, your in-house team can offer greater benefits by being available for handling issues that require internal troubleshooting or those issues that advance your business’s technology, as opposed to spending time on mundane but time-consuming tasks such as software setup, basic support, network monitoring, and backup. It is important for businesses to focus on their mission and what makes them successful, rather than tasks that suck up time. Outsourcing enables them to achieve just that.

5. Better End-User Experience

An outsourced helpdesk provides a better end-user experience, especially with hybrid workforces. This is because managed IT providers are better equipped to be the front end of your IT department. MSPs offer round-the-clock monitoring and have more resources to ensure that your employees are well taken care of. Plus, they are held by strict SLAs (service level agreements) and don’t go on vacation.

6. Increased Security and Compliance

Some of the most critical components of IT include data recovery and backup, network security, cybersecurity, compliance, and more. Whereas an in-house IT department may have security experience and knowledge, it may be limited to a particular component or industry. Moreover, tasking a single individual or a small team with the security of your IT infrastructure comes with significant risks.

When you opt to outsource your security and compliance tasks to an MSP, you’ll be sure that these tasks are being handled by an experienced team that is well versed with the security and compliance regulations and measures of various industries.

7. Access to Cutting-Edge Technology

Outsourced IT companies have access to the latest cutting-edge technology available. This gives them the ability to perform their tasks in the best way possible. IT personnel of an outsourcing company also have vast knowledge on how to handle new technologies.

Most businesses require the in-house IT staff to undergo regular training to stay updated on new IT practices and technology. Also, businesses that solely rely on an in-house team will have to frequently purchase new technologies as they emerge to keep up with their competition. Doing this is expensive.

Outsourced IT can provide you with advice on the best technology that fits your business needs. Some will even let you purchase or lease their hardware at a reduced cost. Additionally, outsourced IT companies can handle the new technology and gradually train your in-house staff on how to handle the same.

Enjoy the Benefits of Outsourced IT Today!

Are you looking to outsource your LA business’s IT department to streamline your IT processes? Look no further than GenIX. We offer a wide range of managed IT services, including cloud services, cybersecurity, helpdesk management, network monitoring & management, among others. Contact us today to get started.

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