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GenIX Helps Australian Company’s Local Los Angeles Office

Australian Company's Local Los Angeles Office Receives Help

Australian Company’s Local Los Angeles Office Receives Help From GenIX

Being up to date with the latest technology enables a company to remain relevant and competitive in its industry. A study carried out by Clutch.co found out that an estimated 50% of small businesses don’t have a website and lack an online presence. In today’s world, technology is essential in the running of any business, whether big or small. It’s one of the most significant investments any company can make.

Having access to this technology is good, but being able to maintain it and customize it to fit the needs of your business, and maximize its full potential is more advantageous. If your company is looking for ways to use technology to its benefit, consulting a professional IT support provider is critical.

An IT support provider is a third-party firm that is tasked with providing technical support, configuring, and maintaining a company’s networks, and ensuring the company’s operations run smoothly.

What Factors Can You Consider When Looking for IT Support in LA?

Is your company looking to outsource IT support that can meet your tech needs? Here are some aspects to look out for:

Level of Expertise

The employees of the IT support provider you choose should be highly qualified and show interest in professional development. They should also have years of experience in IT solutions, be up to date with the latest technological advances, and should be specialized in your industry. The IT service should also provide proof of certification from the concerned governing body.

Do Their Services Meet the Needs of Your Business

Before getting IT support, is it crucial to carry out an extensive analysis of your systems to find out what you need to supplement. This analysis will help you access if the services and products being offered by the IT support provider will specifically meet the needs of your business.

Cost of the Services

Choose an IT solutions provider that offers flexibility in their payment options and who’s billing is in line with your budget. Get quotes from a variety of It support providers and gauge them. This way, you’ll have a variety of providers to choose from and avoid falling out of your budget.

The Company’s Portfolio

Having access to a record of the clients the IT support provider has worked for, the projects they’ve handled, testimonials, and reviews are vital when choosing IT support. This way, your company can access their deliverables and see if they can meet your expectations.

What Are the Benefits of Having IT Support for Your Business

The Security of Your Data Is Guaranteed

The Information Security Breaches Survey of 2015 shows that 74% of SMBs and 90% of large organizations have reported a security breach. With cyber-attacks increasingly becoming rampant, companies are forced to implement more vigilant solutions to protect themselves. IT support is charged with protecting your IT infrastructure by identifying areas of risk and blocking attacks before they occur. Therefore, ensuring data safety.

Your Company Is Provided With Stream-Lined Cloud-Based Services

Your IT support is tasked with ensuring that your data is in a secure environment. This support helps you move your data to the cloud and helps to update and manage the data stored on the platform. This way, your shareholders, clients, and employees can access this data from any device, anytime, anywhere. They also establish policies that guide who can have access to your data and what information they can access. They also give permissions to the relevant persons.

Storing data on the cloud helps reduce costs by eliminating the need for physical data storage devices and personnel to maintain them.

It’s a Cost-Effective Way of Getting IT Solutions for Your Company

You’re probably asking yourself, how would something that is costing me money save me money?

In the long run, using an IT support provider is much more cost-effective compared to having a full-time IT department or contracting an IT expert from time to time. An IT support provider offers budget-friendly rates mostly in the form of a fixed monthly fee for all services rendered. This way, the company can pay for services they can afford.

Your Company Has Access to a Wide Range of Expertise

The staff from an IT support provider are highly qualified and skilled. Their mass knowledge and experience will be vital in determining which IT program will work for your company and will make the technology implementation process more manageable.

You Get Reliable 24/7 Network Connectivity

According to research carried out by Beaming, 75% of businesses in the UK experienced at least one connectivity failure. As a result, these businesses lost approximately 1.2 billion Euros in extra overtime and lost productivity. The research also concluded that small businesses take twice the time to restore their systems compared to large organizations.

Having reliable networks for your company is essential. An outage on your network will be costly for your business. Your company’s IT team may not have the capacity to restore these services as fast as you’d like leading to loss of productivity.

An IT support provider is in charge of establishing, maintaining, and troubleshooting your network connectivity. They also offer a highly responsive help-line desk, which will quickly restore your systems in the case of an outage, ensuring your company’s operations run smoothly.

Your company’s IT infrastructure is highly valuable. It is, therefore, crucial to find the right support to help maintain it.

Looking for Reliable IT Support For Your Local LA-Based Business?

With more than 20 years of experience, Gen IX has been offering exceptional IT support services to companies in Los Angeles. We offer IT Support, Help Desk, Network Management, Managed IT Services, IT Staff Augmentation, On-site Support, and IT Consulting including various forms of IT solutions. Our team of experts is ready to engage you and provide you with IT solutions that are tailor-made for your business.

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  • A detailed budget and project plan

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