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Cybersecurity Training Services

Cybersecurity Training Services

Cybersecurity Training Services

Cybersecurity Training is a critical component of any effective cybersecurity defense. Do your staff members know their role in protecting business data?

Did you know that more than 90% of cybersecurity incidents can be traced back to human error? The fact is that what you (and your staff) don’t know could hurt you.

Why Can’t Firewalls And Antivirus Solutions Keep You Safe?

A majority of cybersecurity technologies offered today include the best in vital software, from firewalls to anti-malware to data encryption and more. However, as important as this technology is, on its own, it simply isn’t enough.

The key to truly comprehensive cybersecurity is simple, yet often overlooked: the user.

The best cybersecurity technology and practices in the world can be undone by one staff member who doesn’t understand how to use them, or how to protect the data they work with.

Generation IX Will Train Your Staff In Cybersecurity Best Practices

Cybersecurity Training will help your employees learn how to recognize and avoid being victimized by phishing emails and scam websites. If your employees are informed about what to watch for, how to block attempts, and where they can turn for help, this alone is worth the investment.

Our Cybersecurity Training services will offer exercises, interactive programs, and even simulated phishing attacks to test your staff on a number of key areas:

  • How to identify and address suspicious emails, phishing attempts, social engineering tactics, and more.
  • How to use business technology without exposing data and other assets to external threats by accident.
  • How to respond when you suspect that an attack is occurring or has occurred.

Don’t Let Your Staff Put Your Organization At Risk

Your staff can have a significant effect on your cybersecurity — either they know enough to keep your assets secure, or they don’t, and therefore present a serious threat to your security.

At the end of the day, there is no perfect technological solution that will save you from cybercrime’s social engineering techniques. It all comes down to you (and the other users at your business), and how capable you are at spotting a scam when it comes into your inbox.

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GenIX provides…

  • A detailed analysis of your current IT company and the work they are doing for you
  • An action plan to address operational any or all issues
  • A detailed budget and project plan

Get the clarity your organization needs to get your IT back on track. Completely risk-free, with no-obligation.
