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Leverage Next-Generation ERP Tools to Drive Business Process Transformation

Business Process Improvement Los Angeles

Leverage Next-Generation ERP Tools to Drive Business Process Transformation

Significant spending is being funneled into digital transformation projects, but are they missing the mark? Here’s how to be sure your digital transformation efforts (and dollars!) aren’t wasted.  

Entering a phase of transition can be challenging for any organization, particularly when you are considering shifts in the fundamental architecture of your business. Cultural acceptance is every bit as important as ensuring you have the correct technology tools to perform the necessary tasks, which is why project leadership, vision, and enablement are vital success factors in this type of business process transformation project. While process changes begin with selecting the right tools for the job, true digital transformation only occurs when you are able to fully optimize the solutions that are implemented — and ensure that they are adopted by your organization. With nearly 70% of digital transformation projects failing to meet strategic goals, it’s vital to consider the holistic employee and user experiences. See how you can leverage next-generation ERP tools to bring about transformative change, without negatively impacting the culture of your corporation.

Defining Strategic Goals and Objectives

Unfortunately, the “complete digital transformation of the business” is not an acceptable goal — although it’s what many business and technology leaders have in mind when they consider what will help their business stay competitive. Everything from accounting to customer service and production workflows is on the table as potential targets for change, which is why many organizations tend to flounder when they consider setting their strategy for change. Looking across the organization and determining which projects will net the greatest benefit and have the highest opportunity for success often finds business leaders looking to their ERP platforms as a “quick” win. Having the right ERP system could potentially reduce administrative and operational costs as well as boosting on-time delivery metrics, all features certain to help boost your competitive advantage in the future.

Creating Convenient, Digital Solutions

Employees are not interested in solutions that are perceived to be difficult, time-consuming or unwieldy to support in the short- or long-term. Few individuals are willing to expend long-term effort on solutions that are not providing the promised benefits — either for customers or for staff members. Creating convenient digital solutions means reducing the friction points that are causing frustrations internally as well as with customer-facing solutions. When you are able to present solutions that are more streamlined or efficient, your conversations around the necessity of change are more positive and productive.

Success Tips for ERP Projects

You know you need an ERP upgrade, and you can see the value of the investment for your business. How can you add some level of confidence to the project? Being realistic about the benefits and open communication, along with the below tips, will help shift your mindset for continued success.

  • Limit your scope. It’s extremely easy to be seduced by the lure of big changes that will revolutionize the way you do business. Don’t allow this siren song to pull you off of the path, reducing the possibility of gaining more modest — but guaranteed — results.
  • Carefully select your partner. Your ERP solution will likely touch most or all of your organization at some point. The right partner should understand your operational challenges as well as the personalities that are involved in the project.
  • Communicate clearly and frequently. When staff (and leadership!) are receiving regular updates on your project, they are more willing to be supportive even during a dip in productivity. There is a fine balance between sharing bad news and presenting problems . . . and their solutions.
  • Define measurable goals. Entering an ERP project without clearly-defined goals can make it difficult to prove results after the fact. When you define the results that you want to achieve, the entire team is able to make better decisions based on what will provide the ideal outcome — instead of getting distracted by secondary goals.

Making your technology solutions work for your business doesn’t have to be overwhelming, particularly when you have strong partnerships in place with trusted technology leaders. The team at GenIX Technologies specializes in defining deliverables and providing well-conceived and executed solutions that will move your business into the future. Contact the GenIX Technologies team at {phone} to schedule your free initial consultation and see how we can help support the business process transformation goals of your Los Angeles corporation. You can always chat online with our team to receive immediate assistance or learn more about our specialties such as business automation online.

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