GenIX provides IT Services and IT Support for law firms throughout Los Angeles and LA County. Schedule no cost consultation with our experts.
When is the last time your technology simply worked? When you did not have to consider whether your network would connect, or have concerns about the security of the documents that you were accessing or transferring? At GenIX Technologies, we know that law firms need to move fast — and there is plenty of stress on your plate without having to worry that your technology is not going to function as expected. Plus, your clients are paying a premium to receive personalized, seamless service, and it can be embarrassing to find yourself struggling with poor connections or slow networks.
GenIX provides…
Get the clarity your organization needs to get your IT back on track. Completely risk-free, with
Law firms and other professionals services organizations are at a heightened risk of a cybersecurity attack in recent years. With the cost of an attack reaching upwards of $200,000, many businesses are finding it difficult to function after a major data breach or other attacks. Law firms are particularly vulnerable due to their need to secure not only the personal information of clients but also the nature of each case — current and past. The sheer volume of information that needs to be secured and the fast-moving activity that occurs requires a high degree of personalized support from your IT services partner.
Here are a few of the ways GenIX supports law firms:
Finding a data breach rapidly is one of the best ways to contain this type of activity. With an average data breach discovery period of up to 6 months for small businesses, law firms need to know that someone is watching their network activity 24/7/365 and is ready to respond to any irregularities immediately.
Is your law firm making investments in technology quickly enough to remain competitive? Chances are, your peers are either updating their infrastructure or planning to do so in the near future — and you could quickly fall behind in terms of the efficiency of your firm. At GenIX Technologies, we provide IT services for law firms of all sizes to ensure that you have the network and communication tools in place that will allow true business agility. Contact the technical experts at GenIX today at or via email to to schedule your free initial consultation.